Beyond Bone Broth – Food Choice and Philosophies – Part 3

BEYOND BONE BROTH–How it all comes together

The role of a healthy skeletal frame, bone cells and tissue structures are key objectives for all of us regardless of our diet philosophies or preferences, whether conventional dietary practices, vegetarianism, or strict veganism.

The Healthy Objectives are:

1. Inhibit the underlying inflammation which is part of the demineralization process.

2. Upregulate and protect the “osteoblasts” and their balanced functions with “osteoclasts” which together have multiple functions including facilitating mineralization and the constant dynamic and crucial remodeling of our bones.

3. Enhance collagen One synthesis in particular for a strong skeletal system.

4. Protect and facilitate “osteoblasts” which are the only cells that secrete a protein endocrine substance call OSTEOCALCIN which has a wide range of endocrine and metabolic functions.

So four interesting questions come to mind, pushing aside all dietary preferences and bias, I see as the following:

A. What kinds of nutraceuticals could be used in common without dietary bias to address the above listed Healthy Objectives?


There is an abundance of scientific studies that recognize that a number of botanicals support bone health.  Some botanicals may appear redundant in function, but though each has many similar bioactive substances in common,  each is still different with its unique molecular profile and contribution.

This is why having a diet rich in a variety of fruits and vegetables is crucial for our health and optimal healthy gene expression.

This author strongly advocates the Mediterranean diet concept which is well researched and exemplary in its nutrient balance and brings high attention to olive and garlic. 

However, fascinating and similar efficacy was also found with grapeseed extracts, tea polyphenols, hops, etc., and beer!


A key villain of healthy bones is oxidative stress and inflammation–the main progenitor of conditions such as osteoporosis, osteopenia, and numerous chronic diseases!  A key hero in all this turmoil is botanical bioactive substances.

 “Garlic has been demonstrated to prevent osteoporosis, which involves the modulation of proinflammatory cytokine activity, and allicin was taken as its anti-inflammatory component (15,16).” Sep 21, 2011 › biogerontology › article

‘Polyphenols in extra-virgin olive oil can stimulate the proliferation of osteoblasts, by modulating osteoblast physiology, which would support their protective effect against bone pathologies. Without a doubt, virgin olive oil exerts a positive action on bone health and osteoblasts. This is possibly due to the action of its phenolic components, which include oleuropein, tyrosol, and hydroxytyrosol. These agents have been shown to have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore may be potential candidates for the prevention of osteoporosis.”.

Bone Protective Effect of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Phenolics

B. Can the skeletal system aside from its structural roles actually be considered an endocrine organ as well? 

The skeletal tissues are a “bona fide” endocrine organ. Rarely considered or understood, there’s a vast and global metabolic/endocrine effect from the skeletal osteoblasts.
It’s not to be underestimated in the least, for there is what is called molecular “cross-talk” communication, feedback, and nuanced adjustments,  between the endocrine glands, hormones, metabolism including insulin, and the osteoblasts.

Osteocalcin (OCN) secreted by osteoblasts regulates systemic glucose and energy metabolism, reproduction, and cognition. Lipocalin-2 (LCN2) is secreted by osteoblasts and can influence energy metabolism by suppressing appetite in the brain.
C. What can be consumed to enhance and make available Collagen One that will fit all dietary preferences?
Our bodies are experts in making all kinds of collagens including the bone collagen Collagen One.  But if healthy collagen synthesis slows down as we age, many people seek supplements.
Taking animal tissue collagen supplements, rich in amino acids, especially the rich presence of glycine for collagen, is popular and is deemed effective by many people noting results in skin, hair, and bones. 
However, there is a crucial mineral, one of the most abundant and common on earth, that’s needed for strong bones, the development of collagen with improved bones and cosmetic results,  and that is silicon, as silica, that is found in our foods and absorbed as “orthosilicic acid” (OSA).

Both collagen and silica, along with nutrients and amino acids from various protein sources with ample amino acid glycine present, assist new bone formation by stimulating osteoblasts – our bone-building cells as well as our crucial hormone regulating bone cells. Collagen and silica also inhibit excess bone breakdown by inhibiting osteoclasts, our bone-resorbing cells, and restoring the balance of bone-building and bone remodeling. This becomes especially significant when one is trying to regenerate “naturally” new mineralization from osteoporosis or osteopenia. OSA is also available as a dietary supplement liquid or powder. 

What’s great about this, perfect for vegans or anyone, it’s safe, physiologically compatible, natural, no digestion, and only tiny amounts, a few milligrams, are needed to create positive results compared to many grams of consuming animal collagen. 

Orthosilicic acid stimulates collagen type 1 synthesis and osteoblastic differentiation in human osteoblast-like cells in vitro”
Gene expression of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin also increased significantly following treatment. In conclusion, orthosilicic acid at physiological concentrations stimulates collagen type 1 synthesis in human osteoblast-like cells and enhances osteoblastic differentiation.

D. What may be a simple, cost-effective, bone-collagen enhancing supplementation program that works in all dietary philosophies?

In making this real simple, assuming the diet is already rich in basic nutrients and amino acids from animal or vegetable sources, consider the following for yourself or formulations for an easy plan that covers many of the bases discussed:
Whole Olive leaf extract ( or/and other natural botanical-based polyphenolic compounds )
Garlic Extract
OSA ( only about 10 mg/day !) 

Thank you, and wishes for the best of health, Dr. Koz